未捕获的 TypeError:无法将属性“innerHTML”设置为 null - Typewriter JS 代码
我们使用以下代码作为文本的打字机效果。它之前运行良好,并将“_CONTENT”变量中设置的文本显示为文本,然后删除并输入下一行,但现在我们在控制台中收到 “未捕获的类型错误:无法将属性“innerHTML”设置为 null” ,并且没有显示任何文本。
// List of sentences
var _CONTENT = [
"Domain Name",
"Website Hosting Plan",
"Virtual Private Server",
"WordPress Hosting Plan",
"Web Design Package",
"Reseller Hosting Plan"
// Current sentence being processed
var _PART = 0;
// Character number of the current sentence being processed
var _PART_INDEX = 0;
// Holds the handle returned from setInterval
// Element that holds the text
var _ELEMENT = document.querySelector("#text");
// Cursor element
var _CURSOR = document.querySelector("#cursor");
// Implements typing effect
function Type() {
// Get substring with 1 characater added
var text = _CONTENT[_PART].substring(0, _PART_INDEX + 1);
_ELEMENT.innerHTML = text;
// If full sentence has been displayed then start to delete the sentence after some time
if(text === _CONTENT[_PART]) {
setTimeout(function() {
_INTERVAL_VAL = setInterval(Delete, 50);
}, 2000);
// Implements deleting effect
function Delete() {
// Get substring with 1 characater deleted
var text = _CONTENT[_PART].substring(0, _PART_INDEX - 1);
_ELEMENT.innerHTML = text;
// If sentence has been deleted then start to display the next sentence
if(text === '') {
// If current sentence was last then display the first one, else move to the next
if(_PART == (_CONTENT.length - 1))
_PART = 0;
// Start to display the next sentence after some time
setTimeout(function() {
_CURSOR.style.display = 'inline-block';
_INTERVAL_VAL = setInterval(Type, 100);
}, 200);
// Start the typing effect on load
_INTERVAL_VAL = setInterval(Type, 100);
<div id="container">
<div id="text"></div><div id="cursor"></div>
在 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){}) 之间添加代码,以便在页面加载后执行 javascript 代码
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
// List of sentences
var _CONTENT = [
"Domain Name",
"Website Hosting Plan",
"Virtual Private Server",
"WordPress Hosting Plan",
"Web Design Package",
"Reseller Hosting Plan"
// Current sentence being processed
var _PART = 0;
// Character number of the current sentence being processed
var _PART_INDEX = 0;
// Holds the handle returned from setInterval
// Element that holds the text
var _ELEMENT = document.querySelector("#text");
// Cursor element
var _CURSOR = document.querySelector("#cursor");
// Implements typing effect
function Type() {
// Get substring with 1 characater added
var text = _CONTENT[_PART].substring(0, _PART_INDEX + 1);
_ELEMENT.innerHTML = text;
// If full sentence has been displayed then start to delete the sentence after some time
if(text === _CONTENT[_PART]) {
setTimeout(function() {
_INTERVAL_VAL = setInterval(Delete, 50);
}, 2000);
// Implements deleting effect
function Delete() {
// Get substring with 1 characater deleted
var text = _CONTENT[_PART].substring(0, _PART_INDEX - 1);
_ELEMENT.innerHTML = text;
// If sentence has been deleted then start to display the next sentence
if(text === '') {
// If current sentence was last then display the first one, else move to the next
if(_PART == (_CONTENT.length - 1))
_PART = 0;
// Start to display the next sentence after some time
setTimeout(function() {
_CURSOR.style.display = 'inline-block';
_INTERVAL_VAL = setInterval(Type, 100);
}, 200);
// Start the typing effect on load
_INTERVAL_VAL = setInterval(Type, 100);
<div id="container">
<div id="text"></div><div id="cursor"></div>
Hitesh Tripathi
- 我已将全局变量 _ELEMENT 和 _CURSOR 移至实际使用它们的函数中。
- 我已使用 Vanilla JS document.getElementByID 访问两个 DOM 元素 这是您要寻找的解决方案吗?
// List of sentences
var _CONTENT = [
"Domain Name",
"Website Hosting Plan",
"Virtual Private Server",
"WordPress Hosting Plan",
"Web Design Package",
"Reseller Hosting Plan",
// Current sentence being processed
var _PART = 0;
// Character number of the current sentence being processed
var _PART_INDEX = 0;
// Holds the handle returned from setInterval
// Implements typing effect
function Type() {
// Element that holds the text
var _ELEMENT = document.getElementById("text");
// Get substring with 1 characater added
var text = _CONTENT[_PART].substring(0, _PART_INDEX + 1);
_ELEMENT.innerHTML = text;
// If full sentence has been displayed then start to delete the sentence after some time
if (text === _CONTENT[_PART]) {
setTimeout(function () {
_INTERVAL_VAL = setInterval(Delete, 50);
}, 2000);
// Implements deleting effect
function Delete() {
// Element that holds the text
var _ELEMENT = document.getElementById("text");
// Cursor element
var _CURSOR = document.getElementById("cursor");
// Get substring with 1 characater deleted
var text = _CONTENT[_PART].substring(0, _PART_INDEX - 1);
_ELEMENT.innerHTML = text;
// If sentence has been deleted then start to display the next sentence
if (text === "") {
// If current sentence was last then display the first one, else move to the next
if (_PART == _CONTENT.length - 1) _PART = 0;
else _PART++;
// Start to display the next sentence after some time
setTimeout(function () {
_CURSOR.style.display = "inline-block";
_INTERVAL_VAL = setInterval(Type, 100);
}, 200);
// Start the typing effect on load
_INTERVAL_VAL = setInterval(Type, 100);
<div id="container">
<div id="text"></div>
<div id="cursor"></div>
Shahzada Fahad Ashraf