
如何在 redux-toolkit 中输入 provideTags(许多项目端点)


以下代码运行良好,但我无法正确输入 providesTags

type Post = {
  id: number,
  name: string,
  description: string,

const postsApiSlice = api.injectEndpoints({
    endpoints: (builder) => ({
      getPosts: builder.query<EntityState<Post>, void>({
        query: ROUTES.POSTS,
        transformResponse: (responseData: Post[]) => {
          return adapter.setAll(initialState, responseData)
        // Typescript error is here, at provideTags
        providesTags: (result) => {
          // What to do if result is undefined?
          if (!result) return [{ type: POST_TAG, id: 'LIST' }]
          const tags = (result.ids.length > 0) ?
            // Typescript accepts type of next line if I return it
            result.ids.map((id) => ({ type: POST_TAG, id }))
            // Typescript also accepts type of next line if I return it
            [{ type: POST_TAG, id: 'LIST' }]
          return tags

我收到 Typescript 错误:

Type '(result: EntityState<Post> | undefined) => { type: string; id: EntityId; }[]' is not assignable to type 'ResultDescription<"Post", EntityState<Post>, void, FetchBaseQueryError, {} | undefined> | undefined'.
  Type '(result: EntityState<Post> | undefined) => { type: string; id: EntityId; }[]' is not assignable to type 'GetResultDescriptionFn<"Post", EntityState<Post>, void, FetchBaseQueryError, {} | undefined>'.
    Type '{ type: string; id: EntityId; }[]' is not assignable to type 'readonly TagDescription<"Post">[]'.
      Type '{ type: string; id: EntityId; }' is not assignable to type 'TagDescription<"Post">'.
        Type '{ type: string; id: EntityId; }' is not assignable to type 'FullTagDescription<"Post">'.
          Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
            Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"Post"'.ts(2322)
endpointDefinitions.d.ts(188, 5): The expected type comes from property 'providesTags' which is declared here on type 'Omit<EndpointDefinitionWithQuery<void, BaseQueryFn<string | FetchArgs, unknown, FetchBaseQueryError, {}, {}>, EntityState<Post>> & { ...; } & { ...; } & QueryExtraOptions<...>, "type"> | Omit<...>'

如果我仅返回 result.ids.map((id) => ({ type: POST_TAG, id })) 或仅返回 [{ type: POST_TAG, id: 'LIST' }] ,则可以正常工作。

  • 我该如何输入?
  • 此外,不确定当结果为 undefined 时我该怎么办。我应该返回 [{ type: POST_TAG, id: 'LIST' }] 吗?

这在 typeping provideTag/invalidatesTags 中进行了描述。

定义 POST_TAG 时,您将需要几个 as const 断言。

因此,不是 const POST_TAG = "foo" ,而是 const POST_TAG = "foo" as const 应该可以解决问题。否则它将被输入为“string”,而不是“foo”。
