
错误消息引用了 Google Apps Script 代码中不存在的行和列


在 Google Apps Script 中运行某些代码时,我收到以下错误消息。我不明白行/列引用 Code:46:18。它似乎指向列数太少的行或行数太少的进程。我猜我没有正确解释引用。

TypeError: Cannot set property 'format' of undefined
at processInbox(processInbox Code:46:18)

我所有代码的第 46 行是这样的,肯定没有 18 列(并且它关闭了一个不引用格式的函数):


错误消息引用的进程 processInbox 只有 39 行。

通过在相关 Google Sheet 中的菜单中选择“CiviSchedule”来调用脚本,这会触发 doTasks 函数。此菜单和触发器是在 onOpen 函数中创建的。

我怎么会误解错误消息? (完整代码如下)

[错误截图] 1

[第40-46行截图] 2


//General Info
// As detailed in Managing Scheduled Jobs URL method http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Managing+Scheduled+Jobs#ManagingScheduledJobs-URLmethod :
//  a valid Username and Password (for a Drupal, Joomla or WordPress user who has adequate permissions 
//  for the job or jobs being run. The minimal permissions for that user are: “view all contacts”, “access 
//  CiviCRM”, “access CiviMail”). It also requires you to pass in the CIVICRM_SITE_KEY which is configured 
//  by editing your copy of civicrm.settings.php
// I’d recommend setting up a dedicated account for scheduling reports with only minimal permissions. 
// Once you have a username/password setup open File > Project Properties and open the Script Properties 
// tab. Click ‘Add row’ link and add your setup account name (username), pass (password), key (site key).
// Save the Script Properties and then in the script editor window enter the BASE_URL below of your Civi 
// installation (in Drupal this looks like http://[SITEROOT]/sites/all/modules/civicrm/bin/cron.php?. 

// File > Save your script

var BASE_URL = "https://www.fubar.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/bin/cron.php?";

// To get this script to run automatically open Resources > Current project triggers
// and slect doTasks to run as a day timer (we set reports to run between 7-8am)
// If you want to run earlier or later also adjust the RERUN_HOUR below which sets the next run time

var RERUN_HOUR = 1;

var PS = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
var param = PS.getProperties();
param.job = "mail_report";

// helper so we know which value is in which column
var COL = {report_id: 0,
           type: 1,
           last_run: 2,
           next_run: 3,
           format: 4,
           ss_id: 5,
           ss_sht: 6,
           total: 7};
function onOpen(){
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
      .addItem('Run Script', 'doTasks')

function doTasks() {
  var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); // get spreadsheet
  var sheet = doc.getSheetByName("Tasks"); // get sheet
  var data = sheet.getRange(3, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), COL.total).getValues(); // get values
  var now = new Date(); // time now
  // for each row of the sheet interate accross
  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
    if (data[i][COL.report_id] != ""){ // if there is instance id do something
      // collect row values
      var report_id = data[i][COL.report_id]
      var type = data[i][COL.type];
      var next_run = data[i][COL.next_run] || 0; 
      // check if it's time to run the report again
      if (next_run < now && type != "never"){
        // if it is ping the report trigger
        var new_next_run = callUrl(report_id, type, {format: data[i][COL.format], ss_id: data[i][COL.ss_id], ss_sht: data[i][COL.ss_sht]} );
        // ..and record when to run again
        sheet.getRange(parseInt(i)+3, 3, 1, 2).setValues([[now, new_next_run]]);

function callUrl(report_id, type, optParam){
  // build the url to trigger the report
  param.format = optParam.format || "print";
  if (optParam.ss_id && optParam.ss_sht){
    // if we have a sheet name and id force csv
    param.format = 'csv';
    // make a search string to find our report
    optParam.search_str = 'report/instance/'+report_id+'?reset=1 has:attachment is:unread';
    // store our search for later
    PS.setProperty('search_str_'+report_id, JSON.stringify(optParam));
    // set the script to read the email run 15min later
    .after(1 * 60 * 1000)
  // make url
  var qs = BASE_URL
  for(var key in param) {
    if (key.substring(0, 10) != "search_str"){
      var value = param[key];
      qs += key + "=" + value + "&";
  qs += "instanceId="+report_id;
  try {
    //gg var resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(qs); // hit the url
    // now calculate when to run again
    var d = new Date();
    switch (type){
      case "daily":
        d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1);
      case "weekly":
        d.setDate(d.getDate() + 7);
      case "monthly":
        // Get the first Monday in the month
        d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + 1);
        while (d.getDay() !== 1) {
          d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1);
    return d;
  } catch(e) {
    return e.message; 

function processInbox(){
  var PS = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
  var data = PS.getProperties();
  for (var key in data) {
    try { if (key.substring(0, 10) == "search_str"){
      var param_raw = data[key];
      var param = JSON.parse(param_raw);
      // get last 20 message threads using serach term
      var threads = GmailApp.search(param.search_str, 0, 20); 
      // assume last thread has our latest data
      var last_thread = threads.length-1;
      if (last_thread > -1){
        // get message in the last thread        
        var msg =  threads[last_thread].getMessages()[0];
        // get the attachments
        var attachments = msg.getAttachments();
        for (var k = 0; k < attachments.length; k++) {
          // get the attachment as a string
          var csv_str = attachments[k].getDataAsString();
          // parse string as csv
          var csv = Utilities.parseCsv(csv_str);
          // create destination object
          var doc = SpreadsheetApp.openById(param.ss_id);
          var sheet = doc.getSheetByName(param.ss_sht);
          // clear any old data
          // write new data
          sheet.getRange(1, 1,  csv.length, csv[0].length).setValues(csv);
          // mark message are read and archive (you could also label or delete)
    } catch(e) {
    SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('problem: ${e}'); 

at processInbox(processInbox Code:46:18)





processInbox Code







您可能在名为 processInbox Code 的另一个文件中有相同的函数名称 processInbox 。在该文件的行 46 、列 18 处,您将遇到错误。



var data = sheet.getRange(3, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), COL.total).getValues();


var data = sheet.getRange(3, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 2, COL.total).getValues();
