如何在 JavaScript 中验证电子邮件地址?
我想在将用户输入发送到服务器或尝试向其发送电子邮件之前,用 JavaScript 检查用户输入是否为电子邮件地址,以防止最基本的输入错误。我该如何实现这一点?
使用 正则表达式 可能是在 JavaScript 中验证电子邮件地址的最佳方法。 查看 JSFiddle 上的一系列测试 ,这些测试取自 Chromium 。
const validateEmail = (email) => {
return String(email)
以下是接受 unicode 的正则表达式的示例。
const re =
请记住,不应仅依赖 JavaScript 验证,因为客户端可以轻松禁用 JavaScript。此外,在服务器端进行验证也很重要。
以下代码片段是 JavaScript 在客户端验证电子邮件地址的示例。
const validateEmail = (email) => {
return email.match(
const validate = () => {
const $result = $('#result');
const email = $('#email').val();
$result.text(email + ' is valid.');
$result.css('color', 'green');
} else{
$result.text(email + ' is invalid.');
$result.css('color', 'red');
return false;
$('#email').on('input', validate);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<label for="email">Enter email address</label>
<input id="email" type="email">
<p id="result"></p>
我稍微修改了 Jaymon 的答案 ,以便让那些想要真正简单验证的人使用以下形式:
[email protected]
为防止匹配多个 @ 符号:
示例 JavaScript 函数:
function validateEmail(email) {
var re = /\S+@\S+\.\S+/;
return re.test(email);
console.log(validateEmail('my email is [email protected]')); // true
console.log(validateEmail('my email is anystring@anystring .any')); // false
为了完整性, 这里还有另一个符合 RFC 2822 的正则表达式
The official standard is known as RFC 2822 . It describes the syntax that valid email addresses must adhere to. You can ( but you shouldn't — read on ) implement it with this regular expression:
(...) We get a more practical implementation of RFC 2822 if we omit the syntax using double quotes and square brackets. It will still match 99.99% of all email addresses in actual use today.
A further change you could make is to allow any two-letter country code top level domain, and only specific generic top level domains. This regex filters dummy email addresses like
[email protected]
. You will need to update it as new top-level domains are added .
So even when following official standards, there are still trade-offs to be made. Don't blindly copy regular expressions from online libraries or discussion forums. Always test them on your own data and with your own applications.